Monday, October 25, 2010

citizen journalism: my potential baby daddy

Citizen journalism…citizen journalism. I comprehend the concept but heck white Jesus; I cannot grasp how I am expected to explain this notion to an audience.

Well I was lost, confused and all round delirious due to a lack of sleep, the fact that I believe that I had rolled both my ankles, and my upset tummy due to my dinner the night before that consisted off a Fuji apple that had mysteriously appeared in my bag and a can of v, that I obtained from my drawer.

In my bewilderment I turned to the only place in which I could get the answers…and lord give me strength I needed answers. Wikipedia.  Yes I know what your thinking but next year I’m gonna send a Valentines day card to Wikipedia, written in binary code and maybe one day we can settle down together and have wiki babies and live wikialy ever after. Then it hit me wikipedia was a testament for the epic-ness of citizen journalism.

Really in conclusion citizen journalism is simple a therapy group in which members of the public can play a somewhat active role in the process that involves collecting, analysing and reporting on news and information from their own personal stand point regardless of the level of intensity of news and information. The point of this whole anonymous therapy session is to provide independent news that is both reliable and accurate with a wide range of information that is both relevant and interesting. 

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